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Nathaniel Hong’s book on Danish occupation history is a balanced and engaging account on both the conspicuous resistance experience and the non-heroic adaptation to the Occupation Power, which in some instances came close to outright collaboration. The book does not beautify or condemn but explains the tension between the two main political lines and its importance for Danish cultural, economic and social history during the occupation and the post war development. It is highly suited for both for the general reader and for the organized study of Danish History

Palle Roslyng-Jensen, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Copenhagen​

Nathaniel Hong received an MA in journalism history from the University of Minnesota in 1989 and a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Washington in 1993. He teaches humanities and English at Olympic College in Bremerton, WA, USA. He has conducted research at the Museum of Danish Resistance 1940-1945 on several year-long stays, as well as at the Danish National Archive, the Royal Library, and a number of occupation history archives around Denmark. He worked as a printing press operator for 13 years after college and has written about the Danish illegal press during German occupation, as well as scrapbooks kept by Danes during the period. He was associate editor of Princeton University Press’ final 7 volumes in its 26 volume Kierkegaard’s Writings series​

Nathaniel Hong​​

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Price: 199 Dkr.​